Archive for the ‘emotion’ Category


These words spoken by Martin Luther King Jr. are as relevant today, if not more so, in light of the violence America and the world has been through of late.

I believe this great man left behind a legacy of peace by giving us reminders that violence solves nothing.

The time for dialogue is now!  We cannot stop the dialogue until there is understanding and solutions.

We cannot let the media, hateful politicians and commentators blind us with their truth instead of our own.



Posted: May 6, 2016 in beauty, emotion, legend, love, music, Prince, purple rain, RIP, sad

Oh, how you will be missed!  Still in shock…




Thanks, Tracey

I cannot stand anymore….my heart is so heavy.   These people who hide behind religion and masks must be stopped.  They are not humans but rabid animals and must be treated as such!   #prayforbrussels

A global agreement must be made to put an end to these terrorists preferably before the next attack on innocent people.

To all who have been affected by a terrorist act my tears have shed for you and my heart has broken each time.

Prayers to all in Belgium on this day especially to the victims.


Thanks, Tracey

Fear is the worst emotion to overcome.  We are hardwired to hold onto it the longest

Thanks, Tracey