Archive for the ‘stigma fighter’ Category


Thanks, Tracey


Thanks, Tracey


Thanks, Tracey


Thanks, Tracey

Thanks, Tracey

I have been trying to build a following of supporters in order to get a documentary l have dreamt of making about suicide and mental illness, called, “40 Seconds” – burying the stigma on suicide and mental illness.

Having supporters on social media is crucial in getting a film of this nature made.  I have been at this awhile and surprisingly, considering, suicide is the third leading cause of death, this has not been easy.

Please go to Facebook and like my page regarding what l am asking at;

Thanking you in advance.

Tracey Rose


Thanks, Tracey

The  circumstances that put me  in this position where l battle depression and anxiety l had no say, no choice in the things that happened.  I had to take it regardless.  No heads up…no preparation…BOOM!!!

I know the biggest block to my recovery is the fear of this happening again because it wasn’t just one thing it was many at one time. 

Trust is another issue.  Not only in others but myself.  I shelter myself to protect myself.  It is a process and there are setbacks.  Until l am strong enough this will happen.  I make no apologies as it is part of recovery.  It will take as long as it does and l make no apologies for that either.  Frankly, l should not have to.

In this month of suicide awareness and mental health awareness, l stand tall as l am not ashamed nor will l be stigmatized!! 

My wish is if those who continue to suffer silently would speak up.  This l believe would go a long way with ending the stigma on both suicide awareness and mental health awareness. People who are frightened of these words will think twice when reacting to friends and families suffering because the sheer numbers would be staggering and educating oneself would be mandatory and relying on ignorance will not work any longer.

On this l have the strength of a bull!!!

Thanks, Tracey

Tell Government more funding & education is needed to combat mental illness & suicide. Please sign a petition I started as the time for talk is over and the time for action is now! Please share this petition with everyone you know to accumulate as many signatures as possible. Please read the petition and if you have any questions please ask.

Thank you, Tracey Rose




Thanks, Tracey